Sanskrit metres


This is intended to be a website dealing with Sanskrit metres.

In its current state, this is all very raw; work in progress. Source code at

Metre identifier

Type a Sanskrit verse into the box below and click the button.
(The input can be in either Devanagari, IAST, Harvard-Kyoto, or ITRANS format.)

This is version 1e; older versions 1b and 1d are still available at and

Metre statistics

Work in progress. (This table is out of date, and was based on an older version of the recognizer.) The "unknown" metres below are either because of incompleteness in our metrical data, or because of metrical errors in the GRETIL text.

Metre Amaruśataka Bhāravi: Kirātārjunīya Bhallaṭaśataka Bhartṛhari: Śatakatrakya Kālidāsa: Kumārasambhava Kālidāsa: Raghuvamśa Māgha: Śiśupālavadha Meghadūta Mahā-subhāṣita-saṅgraha Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita: Kaliviḍambana Rāmodantam
Anuṣṭup (Śloka) [2, 0.85%] [125, 12.02%] [8, 7.77%] [35, 10.80%] [157, 25.61%] [563, 34.37%] [220, 13.37%] [4363, 42.80%] [102, 100.00%] [216, 100.00%]
Upajāti [176, 16.92%] [3, 2.91%] [15, 4.63%] [226, 36.87%] [592, 36.14%] [95, 5.78%] [644, 6.32%]
Śārdūlavikrīḍitam [136, 57.63%] [36, 34.95%] [104, 32.10%] [4, 0.24%] [1192, 11.69%]
Vasantatilakā [14, 5.93%] [24, 2.31%] [24, 23.30%] [34, 10.49%] [4, 0.65%] [45, 2.75%] [78, 4.74%] [710, 6.96%]
unknown [1, 0.97%] [14, 0.85%] [97, 5.90%] [619, 6.07%]
Vaṃśastham/Indravaṃśā [4, 1.69%] [214, 20.58%] [3, 0.93%] [84, 13.70%] [74, 4.52%] [138, 8.39%] [194, 1.90%]
Āryā (matched from regex) [2, 1.94%] [680, 6.67%]
Rathoddhatā [38, 3.65%] [4, 3.88%] [3, 0.93%] [90, 14.68%] [148, 9.04%] [86, 5.23%] [95, 0.93%]
Śikhariṇī [24, 10.17%] [3, 0.29%] [10, 9.71%] [50, 15.43%] [321, 3.15%]
Viyoginī [62, 5.96%] [2, 0.62%] [44, 7.18%] [97, 5.92%] [78, 4.74%] [86, 0.84%]
Mālinī [4, 1.69%] [13, 1.25%] [11, 3.40%] [6, 0.98%] [13, 0.79%] [72, 4.38%] [208, 2.04%]
Mandākrāntā [8, 3.39%] [2, 1.94%] [8, 2.47%] [7, 0.43%] [2, 0.12%] [122, 100.00%] [159, 1.56%]
Drutavilambitam [4, 1.69%] [33, 3.17%] [7, 6.80%] [5, 1.54%] [64, 3.91%] [66, 4.01%] [106, 1.04%]
Sragdharā [10, 4.24%] [2, 1.94%] [21, 6.48%] [1, 0.06%] [226, 2.22%]
Svāgatā [77, 7.40%] [1, 0.06%] [85, 5.17%] [96, 0.94%]
Puṣpitāgrā [69, 6.63%] [1, 0.31%] [2, 0.33%] [4, 0.24%] [76, 4.62%] [102, 1.00%]
Aupacchandasikam (Vasantamālikā) (Upodgatā) [36, 3.46%] [2, 0.12%] [79, 4.80%] [67, 0.66%]
Praharṣiṇī [50, 4.81%] [8, 0.49%] [70, 4.26%] [41, 0.40%]
Pramitākṣarā [51, 4.90%] [79, 4.80%] [34, 0.33%]
Udgatā [53, 5.10%] [94, 5.71%] [1, 0.01%]
Hariṇī [30, 12.71%] [3, 2.91%] [8, 2.47%] [1, 0.06%] [1, 0.06%] [105, 1.03%]
Śālinī [3, 0.29%] [3, 0.93%] [1, 0.06%] [78, 4.74%] [37, 0.36%]
Mañjubhāṣiṇī [1, 0.06%] [69, 4.19%] [15, 0.15%]
Pṛthvī [1, 0.97%] [5, 1.54%] [1, 0.06%] [70, 0.69%]
Rucirā (Prabhāvatī) [1, 0.06%] [68, 4.13%] [7, 0.07%]
Āryā [13, 4.01%] [4, 0.04%]
Dodhakam [2, 0.62%] [1, 0.06%] [6, 0.06%]
Prabhā (Mandākinī) [6, 0.58%] [1, 0.06%]
Aparavaktrā [1, 0.10%] [4, 0.04%]
Matta-mayūram [1, 0.10%] [1, 0.06%] [2, 0.12%]
Jaloddhatagatiḥ [1, 0.10%] [1, 0.06%] [1, 0.01%]
Vaṃśapatrapatitam (Vaṃśadala) [1, 0.10%] [1, 0.06%] [1, 0.01%]
Jaladharamālā [1, 0.10%] [1, 0.06%] [1, 0.01%]
Nārācam [1, 0.06%] [1, 0.06%]
Gīti [1, 0.31%]
Madhyakṣāmā (Haṃsaśyenī, Kuṭila, Cūḍāpīḍam) [1, 0.10%]
Kṣamā (Candrikā, Utpalinī) [1, 0.10%]

The most important Sanskrit metres

As evident from the tables above, a few Sanskrit metres account for most of the Sanskrit literature. (To be continued….)